Date: Fri, 23 Jun 95 13:53:33 EST Errors-To: Comp-privacy Error Handler From: Computer Privacy Digest Moderator To: Subject: Computer Privacy Digest V6#057 Computer Privacy Digest Fri, 23 Jun 95 Volume 6 : Issue: 057 Today's Topics: Moderator: Leonard P. Levine ID CARDS in the UK Re: Freedom to Read Privacy WWW Site Where in the world is PGP? Re: Credit-Privacy Resources DEF CON III Anonymous Remailer Information Info on CPD [unchanged since 12/29/94] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Simon Rogerson Date: 20 Jun 1995 09:15:11 +0100 (BST) Subject: ID CARDS in the UK Recently the UK Government has published a Green Paper on the introduction of ID cards. These cards are likely to be compulsory and intelligent in that they will hold computer readable information and may even be capable of being updated if SMART Card technology is used. There are a many societal and ethical issues associated with the use of ID cards particularly if they are sophisticated and computerised. I am seeking help to: 1. Compile a comprehensive list of issues 2. Produce a directory of ID cards used around the world 3. Collect information about problems and advantages from other countries that have national ID cards Please respond direct to me. Once collated this information will be made freely available on the Internet. Thank you for your help. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Simon Rogerson Director, Centre for Computing & Social Responsibility School of Computing Sciences De Montfort University TEL: +44 116 257 7475 The Gateway, Leicester FAX: +44 116 254 1891 LE1 9BH, UK EMAIL: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ From: "MADAVIDS.US.ORACLE.COM" Date: 19 Jun 95 17:46:23 PDT Subject: Re: Freedom to Read (Glenn Stone) wrote The ALA has defended its position for over 40 years, against the likes of McCarthy, the Silent Majority, and the New Right. It has a proven track record in the print media. The implication is that it is only from the right that censorship comes. The ALA needs to also defend themselves from the politically correct left. I noticed on a web page of banned books recently that libraries in Brooklyn had banned Huckleberry Finn for using the word 'nigger.' (It may be an ugly word, but that's how people talked in the 19th century.) Censorship from the left is just as ugly and unacceptable as censorship from the right. -- Mary Ann Davidson ------------------------------ From: (Greg Hawener) Date: 21 Jun 1995 23:55:53 GMT Subject: Privacy WWW Site Organization: UT at Austin We have set up a WWW site to discuss and research these issues, it's located at: -- Greg. [moderator: I assume he means privacy issues] ------------------------------ From: (bingo-bango-) Date: 22 Jun 1995 21:50:47 Subject: Where in the world is PGP? Organization: Teleport, inc. I can't seem to find any info on the site, or any pgp newsgroups. Can someone steer me right? Thanks, -- Bongo ------------------------------ From: (DanTurk007) Date: 23 Jun 1995 09:19:05 -0400 Subject: Re: Credit-Privacy Resources Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) What would you like to know. We operate one of those evil little companies that seek out information on people. Nothing is private. We have access to over 1400 commercial & private data bases and can tell you just about anything about just about anybody. We access several hundred credit reports each month attempting to locate people (for a variety of reasons). Questions?? -- Interstate Data Resources, Inc. / The Missing Persons Bureau / Publisher of: "The Missing Persons Gazette" Published Monthly 219-484-1823 Credit Reporting / Background Investigations ------------------------------ From: (MFCTALK) Date: 21 Jun 1995 16:42:33 -0400 Subject: DEF CON III Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) For Immediate Release For More Information Contact: Tom Woolf at 415-508-1554 or Mitchell Friedman at 415-824-1466 Computer Hackers, Law Enforcement Professionals To Convene this August for DEF CON III Seattle, Wash. (June 19, 1995) -- Computer hackers, law enforcement professionals, and other interested individuals will convene in Las Vegas this August 4-5 for DEF CON III. This annual convention addresses technical and legal issues related to the rapid computerization of society. Illegitimate computer access, fraud, privacy concerns, and encryption technology are among the topics to be covered in two days of presentations by speakers such as Bruce Schneier, author of Applied Cryptography, Winn Schwartau, author of Information Warfare and Terminal Compromise, and Curtis Karnow, a formal federal prosecutor. Special talks by hacker luminaries Len Rose and Lewis De Payne will cover the latest in hacking tactics and technology. DEF CON III will be held at the Tropicana Hotel in Las Vegas. The convention begins at 10 a.m. on Saturday, August 4 and concludes at 6 p.m. on Sunday, August 5. The registration fee is $30 until August 1, or $40 at the door. For more information, call Jeff Moss at 206-790-3628 or e-mail at More information on DEF CON III is available from the convention's World Wide Web page ( or FTP site ( The DEF CON III mailing list provides updates on convention speakers and activities, as well as instructions for ordering tapes of presentations at DEF CON I and II. To subscribe, send an e-mail message to with the following statement in the message body: "subscribe dc-announce." ------------------------------ From: (T. Byfield) Date: 23 Jun 1995 06:12:51 GMT Subject: Anonymous Remailer Information Organization: SURD Via the Cypherpunks list, I've been informed by the maintainer of the Usura remailer that the remailer address with which VA-Newswatcher 2.0b27.1+ is preconfigured is incorrect: should be Usura's maintainer has reimplemeted the preconfigured adrress, so it will work--probably only temporarily--so if you plan to use this feature, please change that preference now; in general, please spread the word. FYI, here's the _most recent_ "list of reliable remailers" circulated by Raph Levien; as Raph notes, you can get timely updates of this info by fingering or browsing: Details notwithstanding, two cheers for David Brewster, Bob Boonstra, and Brian Clark (who implemented this addition, I'm told) for adding the anon-remailer feature to VA-NW. And, of course, to John Norstad as well, supergenius, for writing NW. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > Date: 19 Jun 1995 06:50:07 -0700 > From: Raph Levien > To: > Subject: List of reliable remailers > Sender: > Precedence: bulk > > I operate a remailer pinging service which collects detailed > information about remailer features and reliability. > > To use it, just finger > > There is also a Web version of the same information, plus lots of > interesting links to remailer-related resources, at: > > > This information is used by premail, a remailer chaining and PGP > encrypting client for outgoing mail, which is available at: > > > For the PGP public keys of the remailers, as well as some help on > how to use them, finger > > This is the current info: > > REMAILER LIST > > This is an automatically generated listing of remailers. The first > part of the listing shows the remailers along with configuration > options and special features for each of the remailers. The second > part shows the 12-day history, and average latency and uptime for each > remailer. You can also get this list by fingering > > > $remailer{"vox"} = " cpunk pgp. post"; > $remailer{"avox"} = " cpunk pgp post"; > $remailer{"extropia"} = " cpunk pgp special"; > $remailer{"portal"} = " cpunk pgp hash"; > $remailer{"alumni"} = " cpunk pgp hash"; > $remailer{"bsu-cs"} = " cpunk hash ksub"; > $remailer{"rebma"} = " cpunk pgp. hash"; > $remailer{"c2"} = " eric pgp hash reord"; > $remailer{"soda"} = " eric post reord"; > $remailer{"penet"} = " penet post"; > $remailer{"ideath"} = " cpunk > hash ksub reord"; > $remailer{"hacktic"} = " cpunk mix pgp hash > latent cut post ek"; > $remailer{"flame"} = " cpunk mix pgp. hash > latent cut post ek reord"; > $remailer{"rahul"} = " cpunk pgp hash filter"; > $remailer{"mix"} = " cpunk mix pgp hash latent cut > ek ksub reord"; > $remailer{"syrinx"} = " cpunk pgp reord mix post"; > $remailer{"tower"} = " cpunk pgp post"; > $remailer{"hroller"} = " cpunk hash reord mix post"; > $remailer{"vishnu"} = " cpunk mix pgp hash > latent cut ek ksub reord"; > $remailer{"crown"} = " cpunk pgp hash latent > cut mix ek reord"; > $remailer{"robo"} = " cpunk pgp hash mix"; > $remailer{"replay"} = " cpunk mix pgp hash latent cut > post ek"; > $remailer{"spook"} = " cpunk mix pgp hash latent > cut ek"; > is _not_ a remailer. > is _not_ a remailer. > is _not_ a remailer. > > Use "premail -getkeys" to get PGP keys > for the remailers. Fingering this address works too. > > 21 Apr 1995: The new version of premail (0.33) is out, with direct > posting, perl5 and better MH support, and numerous bug fixes. > > Last ping: Mon 19 Jun 95 6:00:05 PDT > remailer email address history latency uptime > ----------------------------------------------------------------------- > rebma -.+ ++-+++- 7:13:46 99.71% > vox -.--.------+ 17:11:11 99.03% > ideath 4:14:48 98.71% > penet +****++++*** 1:15:27 99.94% > tower * *****#*#** 6:11 97.74% > alumni * #*#**###*# 2:48 97.73% > bsu-cs * #*+**-##*# 1:03:18 97.73% > portal * #*#**###*# 2:02 97.73% > c2 + *++++-+.-+ 3:10:43 97.73% > hacktic * #********* 8:37 97.68% > hroller * #***+##.-* 2:33:39 97.68% > robo * ****+**.-* 2:55:32 97.67% > replay * ***-+++--+ 53:25 97.66% > vishnu * ****+***+* 45:54 97.59% > soda + *-+-+-+-+ 2:24:39 97.37% > spook * ********** 11:01 97.33% > mix - *-++---+- 2:40:14 97.07% > crown + *-+---+-- 3:26:14 97.01% > syrinx - -+ ----.- 4:00:58 96.77% > flame * #*+++-+-++ 2:46:08 96.22% > extropia _ --.....-. 20:46:54 92.00% > rahul * #*#**##**# 2:40 97.72% > > For more info: > > History key > * # response in less than 5 minutes. > * * response in less than 1 hour. > * + response in less than 4 hours. > * - response in less than 24 hours. > * . response in more than 1 day. > * _ response came back too late (more than 2 days). > > cpunk > A major class of remailers. Supports Request-Remailing-To: > field. > > eric > A variant of the cpunk style. Uses Anon-Send-To: instead. > > penet > The third class of remailers (at least for right now). Uses > X-Anon-To: in the header. > > pgp > Remailer supports encryption with PGP. A period after the > keyword means that the short name, rather than the full email > address, should be used as the encryption key ID. > > hash > Supports ## pasting, so anything can be put into the headers of > outgoing messages. > > ksub > Remailer always kills subject header, even in non-pgp mode. > > nsub > Remailer always preserves subject header, even in pgp mode. > > latent > Supports Matt Ghio's Latent-Time: option. > > cut > Supports Matt Ghio's Cutmarks: option. > > post > Post to Usenet using Post-To: or Anon-Post-To: header. > > ek > Encrypt responses in reply blocks using Encrypt-Key: header. > > special > Accepts only pgp encrypted messages. > > mix > Can accept messages in Mixmaster format. > > reord > Attempts to foil traffic analysis by reordering messages. Note: > I'm relying on the word of the remailer operator here, and > haven't verified the reord info myself. > > mon > Remailer has been known to monitor contents of private email. > > filter > Remailer has been known to filter messages based on content. If > not listed in conjunction with mon, then only messages destined > for public forums are subject to filtering. > > > Raph Levien __________________ ------------------------------ From: "Prof. L. P. Levine" Date: 29 Dec 1994 10:50:22 -0600 (CST) Subject: Info on CPD [unchanged since 12/29/94] Organization: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee The Computer Privacy Digest is a forum for discussion on the effect of technology on privacy or vice versa. The digest is moderated and gatewayed into the USENET newsgroup comp.society.privacy (Moderated). Submissions should be sent to and administrative requests to This digest is a forum with information contributed via Internet eMail. Those who understand the technology also understand the ease of forgery in this very free medium. Statements, therefore, should be taken with a grain of salt and it should be clear that the actual contributor might not be the person whose email address is posted at the top. Any user who openly wishes to post anonymously should inform the moderator at the beginning of the posting. He will comply. If you read this from the comp.society.privacy newsgroup and wish to contribute a message, you should simply post your contribution. As a moderated newsgroup, attempts to post to the group are normally turned into eMail to the submission address below. On the other hand, if you read the digest eMailed to you, you generally need only use the Reply feature of your mailer to contribute. If you do so, it is best to modify the "Subject:" line of your mailing. Contributions to CPD should be submitted, with appropriate, substantive SUBJECT: line, otherwise they may be ignored. They must be relevant, sound, in good taste, objective, cogent, coherent, concise, and nonrepetitious. Diversity is welcome, but not personal attacks. Do not include entire previous messages in responses to them. Include your name & legitimate Internet FROM: address, especially from .UUCP and .BITNET folks. Anonymized mail is not accepted. All contributions considered as personal comments; usual disclaimers apply. All reuses of CPD material should respect stated copyright notices, and should cite the sources explicitly; as a courtesy; publications using CPD material should obtain permission from the contributors. Contributions generally are acknowledged within 24 hours of submission. If selected, they are printed within two or three days. The moderator reserves the right to delete extraneous quoted material. He may change the SUBJECT: line of an article in order to make it easier for the reader to follow a discussion. He will not, however, alter or edit or append to the text except for purely technical reasons. A library of back issues is available on []. Login as "ftp" with password identifying yourid@yoursite. The archives are in the directory "pub/comp-privacy". People with gopher capability can most easily access the library at Mosaic users will find it at gopher:// Older archives are also held at []. ---------------------------------+----------------------------------------- Leonard P. Levine | Moderator of: Computer Privacy Digest Professor of Computer Science | and comp.society.privacy University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee | Post: Box 784, Milwaukee WI 53201 | Information: | Gopher: | Mosaic: gopher:// ---------------------------------+----------------------------------------- ------------------------------ End of Computer Privacy Digest V6 #057 ****************************** .